Like the subject line says, people appreciate if you’re honest. Why do I say that, you ask? Because I have a confession to make: GeekReads isn’t just about charitable ol’ me writing this blog for the benefit of mankind, I’m here to make money! (And you can too… keep reading.)
Each book review is accompanied by a Book Depository link. This is mainly because they’re the cheapest place to buy books from, online or offline, but also because they pay commission for referrals. Hence each time somebody buys a book after reading a GeekReads review by clicking on the link, I get a slice of that pie. Sounds good?
So here’s the deal: you can become an affiliate and start making money too, and the only thanks you’ll owe me is by allowing me be your referrer so that I can get the referral bonus. Of course you’re free to sign up without referring me too – I won’t hold it against you – but when you’re not too busy building your own book empire, remember me and GeekReads and come back and post a nice comment or two :-)
What are you waiting for? Head over to the Book Depository affiliate sign-up!